

"Hello! I'm Satyam Shorrf, an engineering professional with a strong academic background in both Mechanical and Software Engineering. I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor of Software Engineering from T.P. College, Madhepura, with a score of 85.75% and a CGPA of 8.03. I also hold a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Exalt College of Polytechnic, Vaishali. As a software developer, I have experience in TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and JavaScript. I specialize in frameworks such as React, Node.js, Next.js, React-Three-Fiber, and Three.js. My knowledge extends to fundamental data structures and algorithms, making me well-versed in frontend web development. I'm actively learning and enhancing my knowledge and skills in cutting-edge technologies, including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and OpenCV."Let's collaborate to bring your ideas to life!

Full Stack Developer

Frontend Developer

Backend Developer

Problem Solving




What I have learnt so far


My work


These projects showcase my practical skills and experience, each with descriptions and links to code repositories and live demos. They demonstrate my ability to handle complex challenges, adapt to different technologies, and oversee projects from start to finish.


LISA AI assistant

LISA: A conversational AI assistant that understands natural language, performs tasks, answers questions, and integrates with devices to simplify daily life.







Amazon Website

Creating an Amazon Clone using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript involves several steps to replicate the look and functionality of the Amazon website. Here is a brief overview of the process:







AI Virtual Girlfriend

In this project we will create a virtual girlfriend chatbot, but feel free to use what you'll learn to build your own support assistant, language teacher, or any ideas you have in mind!









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